Thursday 11 May 2023


I managed to find high-res photos of some older works for the new print editions.

For now, here are three available new prints for order via email:

For all the prices, check the website: LONAC


I didn't want to do a release date / online event for the now available prints since it's mostly "older" reproduced works. Once I start working on a new series of murals and studio works, there will be a release date for every future print and a limited time to purchase it for a special price.

Since I'm writing about printmaking, it's good to mention my old ( not used much, so basically new) printing press for woodcut and intaglio that's been quietly waiting for me to clean it up and fall in love with it again... 

Well, I also finally managed to find out some new techniques for transferring digital sketches on a board or a lino, so the plan for this winter is set. 💪