Saturday, 15 July 2023

"Reminiscence shelves" (2022.)

I should have shared this particular project from the previous year much earlier...
It was an invaluable opportunity to explore a new artistic direction, leading me to craft this digital illustration using the  Procreate program. The final output was rendered onto transparent foil, eventually finding its place on the windows of Osijek's oldest bus station.
The implementation of the Urban Intervention Project, spearheaded by the PLANTaža association, is geared towards revitalizing forgotten and neglected spaces within Osijek's urban core. With a focus on reimagining spatial dynamics, the project seeks to intertwine architecture, urban art, and community engagement, fostering a vibrant interplay between the city's structures and its residents.
The process of conceptualizing and curating these artworks serves to underscore the significance of public spaces within the city, functioning as a catalyst for cultivating diverse social, cultural, and artistic expressions.

Photos by Tomislav Šilovinac

The inspiration for the illustration stems from the distinctive structure of the station, with its segmented windows evoking a striking resemblance to the shelves of a miniature cabinet that once adorned my childhood bedroom wall. Within that modest cabinet of curiosities, an array of vibrant and diverse miniature figurines found their home. Delving into the initial stages of this project, I embarked on a search for a photograph taken in my studio, recalling the time when I meticulously cleaned each of those diminutive treasures for what seemed like the last time.
Upon rediscovering this photograph, a realization dawned upon me: the vivid imagery that had long adorned the walls of my childhood sanctuary had subtly seeped into the fabric of my creative subconscious. Fish, bicycles, birds, an owl, shells, clocks, pots, and more — these whimsical objects that once towered above my younger self now resurfaced as the wellspring of inspiration for my earlier artistic endeavors, be it murals or drawings.


In many ways, this undertaking offered me a poignant opportunity to revisit and rekindle the essence of these cherished motifs, infusing them with a renewed sense of creativity and purpose.


( old photo of the cabinet at my childhood room)